*Lala (Chinese): A native or inhabitant of Lesbos
*Lala (Serbian): A native or inhabitant of Vojvodina
1. Wednesday at Face
2. Louise Hay
3. Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun
For those who know or may not know but are interested - I live in China, have lived in Vojvodina (Vrsac is favourite place to be!), am lesbian and had a wicked journey learning to accept it all, getting accustomed to the fact that self acceptance comes first and need for approval is a vicious addiction (along with need for security and need for control, but I'll probably touch that topic at some later stages).
1. Wednesday at Face

Three Lala couples and one honorary representative of a couple (her partner couldn't come) have met at Face to just simply feel the sense of community and enjoy few drinks as well as play a game of pool (or two). I was truly inspired before, during and after especially considering the fact that I mentioned to K on Monday that I really, really wish to have more contact with Lalas in Beijing - and it is true! Few drinks, exchanges of thoughts, few definite laughs and warm fuzzy feeling of understanding, belonging and appreciation - sounds so simple, but it means so much.
Face remains in good memory, well worth its advertising and the quote above. Tomorrow we are meeting some more Lala Citizens. After last summer, OutGames and our wedding, it seems like K and I haven't been this active for almost a year. Finally!!!!
2. Louise Hay
I respect work of Louise Hay and have few of her books, one of which I use often and find a lot of wisdom in it. On the covers of You Can Heal Your Life it says: Louise L. Hay, internationally renowned author and lecturer, brings you the beautiful gift edition of her landmark bestseller. Louise's key message in this powerful work is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." She explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and shows how you can change your thinking - and improve the quality of your life!"
If you take these words for granted you can purchase book Heal Your Body (the book I use often) which has only list of illnesses, mental thinking patterns that cause them and affirmations that help you change your negative thinking and therefore overcome illness. (I may talk more about this later on too...)
One thing that triggered my determination to write was the fact that Louise. touched some issues regarding (homo)sexuality in You Can Heal Your Life but to which extent? This is what she says:
"Now, let's take that same theory over into the gay community, where they have all the same problems everybody else has, plus much of society pointing their fingers at them and saying, "Bad!" Usually, their own mothers and fathers are also saying, "You're bad." This is a heavy load to carry, and it's diffiult to love yourself under these circumstances. It is not surprising that gay men were amongst teh first to experience the dread dis-ease Aids.
And from there onwards she keeps talking about gay men - not even a single mention about lesbians. Zip, nothing, nada! Or did I actually miss that line? Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you Louise for inspiring me to start writing about lesbians - I truly believe that voices out there still give impression that we are not enough. Well, we are, we are - I saw it at Face on Wednesday!
3. Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun
Even if I thought about writing a Lala blog I have to admit I was still somewhat scared, thinking of all people I wouldn't want to see the blog, how it would impact my life, how honest can I be - days were dragging on, I survived Thursday and doubt was creeping into my mind. That is when I checked Michael Bungay Stanier's (author, speaker and coach) website with short movie about Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun
The principles:
1. Stop Hiding Who You Really Are
2. Start Being Intensely Selfish
3. Stop Following the Rules
4. Start Scaring Yourself
5. Stop Taking It So Damn Seriously
6. Start Getting Rid Of The Crap
7. Stop Being Busy
8. Start Something
And here it is, while you are watching the video clip, I claim I have accepted these principles and took an action - until next time, love you all for reading and welcoming comments.