They keep asking, where do I belong Am I a T or a P, femme, butch or a dyke I look at them rhetorically How about Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian or Chinese Which box is more fitting Who jumps out when you squeeze?
Del nombre y el Nombre, a lo esencial. Platón, en el Cratilo, dice:
“el nombre es arquetipo de la cosa, en las letras de rosa está la rosa y todo el Nilo en la palabra Nilo.” (Borges, “El Golem”).
Yo juego con las palabras, disfruto con los nombres y busco Nombres. Sin embargo, en lo más íntimo de mi persona…las palabras concretas (nombres e incluso Nombres) pierden todo sentido.
“¿Qué importa la palabra que me nombra si es indiviso y uno el anatema?” (Borges, “Poema de los dones”)
Sorry Dalida…I know you wrote about labels…I just was thinking (and thinking, and thinking, and thinking).
To me, labels are tramps for our thoughts. When we refuse to do the effort of getting to know something, we use labels. Safe zones. “Everything is under my control. I know the World. I understand the Life”. So naïf… But we all need those sometimes, and stay with us until we get ready to ignore them. Then, “boxes” just vanish…
I found a good side on these boxes (everything has one, right?). When one squeeze, something jumps out. This thing coming out is maybe a bit of our essences; maybe it can teach us something. Lately I put myself into a box; I am waiting to be strong enough and squeeze the box. Stupid way of learning? Probably
Boxes (¿etiquetas?), nombres y esencias.
Del nombre y el Nombre, a lo esencial.
Platón, en el Cratilo, dice:
“el nombre es arquetipo de la cosa,
en las letras de rosa está la rosa
y todo el Nilo en la palabra Nilo.”
(Borges, “El Golem”).
Yo juego con las palabras, disfruto con los nombres y busco Nombres. Sin embargo, en lo más íntimo de mi persona…las palabras concretas (nombres e incluso Nombres) pierden todo sentido.
“¿Qué importa la palabra que me nombra
si es indiviso y uno el anatema?”
(Borges, “Poema de los dones”)
Sorry Dalida…I know you wrote about labels…I just was thinking (and thinking, and thinking, and thinking).
To me, labels are tramps for our thoughts. When we refuse to do the effort of getting to know something, we use labels. Safe zones. “Everything is under my control. I know the World. I understand the Life”. So naïf… But we all need those sometimes, and stay with us until we get ready to ignore them. Then, “boxes” just vanish…
I found a good side on these boxes (everything has one, right?). When one squeeze, something jumps out. This thing coming out is maybe a bit of our essences; maybe it can teach us something. Lately I put myself into a box; I am waiting to be strong enough and squeeze the box. Stupid way of learning? Probably
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